quarta-feira, 27 de abril de 2011

White Lions

This feature does not cause physiological problems - unlike albinism, leucismo not confer greater sensitivity to the sun. However is a disadvantage because it reduces their ability to camouflage themselves in pursuit of their prey.
Two white lions in a zoo in France.

These lions were never very common in nature. The gene that confers this trait is recessive, and only reveals itself when they are crossed individuals carrying the mutant gene. This cross is done deliberately in zoos there are no longer in nature for this reason it is in these where the largest number of individuals. Also appeared in reserve Timbavati and the Kruger Park, South Africa, but are not sighted since 1993, virtually extinct in nature.

There are also white lions for albinism, and these have red eyes and show great sensitivity to the sun. Are rare and endangered. let's help this animals they need our help

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